what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

The purpose of the Morningtide within the Splinters of Dusk is the offensive.

The money provided to us by the Eventide is used to stock up on weapons and to further our powers. They are not to be ignored as irrelevant additions to the clan - the opposite is the case. They let us acquire double the money in a given time span that we would have, without that we need to waste action points that can otherwise be used to finance weapons.

We have extreme power. This power must be learnt to be wielded and understood properly. We are not an evil clan - we are neutral, and any straying from this goal should and will be punished.

We are protectors of knowledge. We know who hates whom, and why, and who is too weak to attack their enemy directly. We protect them - by acting for them.

We will be targetted by people who do not know us and should by rights not have personal qualms against us - and we must withstand.

And we can.

And that is our ultimate power.