what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

The Eventide is an integral part of the Splinters of Dusk.

Without the Eventide, the Morningtide are cripples, forced to waste valuable time scavenging for money. Their strength comes from our efforts.

But they may not be our puppets.

An Eventide Shard is to revel in the power they have, not try to aquire more. A Shard is incredibly valuable to the clan. We give money, we help with quests, we aid and guide and offer help.

To avoid corruption, the Eventide are not only under strict supervision by the Eventide clan leader, but also by the Morningtide themselves, and the Eventide freedoms are kept deliberately low.

Behind the strict set of rules, however, the Eventide are admired, and the strength of the bond between a Shard and a Splinter should never be underestimated.