what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

The Eventide underly a strict rule system.

(The blue-ish lines are derived from the general Splinters of Dusk rules)

1. Avarice is in charge. He leads the Eventide, and whilst he himself will encourage suggestions about improvement from a Shard's end, do not think you can do just as you like. The Eventide, just like the Morningtide, have a strict system of hierarchy and strict rules. You shouldn't join if this irks you.

2. You do not own 'your' money. The money you acquire during your hunts was not and is not your own, at any point in time. You can humbly request to use some of it for your own purposes, but you never have a right to it. It is not yours, it belongs to the Morningtide.

3. It is your responsibility to keep records. There is a thread called Shard Bookkeeping in the forum's Eventide section. Updates are to be done after:
a :: crossing every 10 000 coin leap. (e.g. at 30 000)
b :: made transactions to a Splinter.
c :: you have had expenses where you needed to withdraw money for. (e.g. buying powers, buying scrolls)

4. Under no circumstances may a Splinter be stolen from. This is the worst form of clan betrayal that a Shard can possibly do. The result is immediate exiling.

5. Stealing from another Shard is a waste of AP. Whilst not as harsh as the previous rule in punishment, wasted AP will lower your reputation immensely.

6. Biting vampires is illegal. It is a waste of AP better used for robbing. (Okay, so you may bite vampires if you've just deposited money and still have some AP over. But that's it, and don't push it.)

7. Siring vampires is illegal. No Splinter may lust for blood. The exception to this rule is simple: You may lure a victim to your biter link every once in a while, but only to easily introduce them to the game - not for your personal gain. You are then also obligated to aid this new vampire and obligated to, if they are trustworthy at all, introduce them to the ideals of the Splinters of Dusk - and possibly thence recruit.

8. Telling other people about Splinter members is illegal. The only protection that the clan can offer lies in this rule. Break it, and lose your honour. You will never be given a chance to rest again if you break this rule. (You can of course tell people about PoisonIvy and anyone else that explicitely and openly is a Splinter of Dusk)

9. Fighting is illegal. A Shard may not defend themselves from an attack by others, much less attack a vampire for personal reasons. Only in rare cases will a Shard be allowed to partake in a Morningtide attack project.